To order a shared folder go to our serviceportal
Faculty is prefixed to the department to which primary owner (shared drive owner) is affiliated
Display name:
The name must follow a certain syntax, use "-" instead of space. Max 20 characters. Æ, ø, å and special characters are not allowed
You must select the type of data the drive will be used for (standard data, temporary data og access audit). Choosing access audit all events will be logged (e.g. due to GDPR requirement, you can see who has accessed/edited files and documents)
For research data, please in addition click the box
Users with read access are only allowed to read data on the shared drive. Users with read and write access are allowed to read and write data on the shared drive.
A single user can be added by clicking + and a single user can be removed by clicking x. For adding several users click the block icon, and add the users separated by commas.
REMEMBER to add primary and secondary owner as they do not automatically get access