SIF guidance portal

SIF obligatory users' course

Before you can use SIF, you must complete an obligatory user course. Contact your local coordinator for further information:


All queries please contact CHC Services and Support via ticket at


Institut/center niveau:

  • The National Center for Register-based Research: Allan Timmermann
  • Department of Business Development and Technology: endnu ukendt
  • Department of Law: endnu ukendt
  • Department of Psychology and Behavioural Sciences: Søren Christensen
  • Department of Political Science: Kim Mannemar Sønderskov
  • Department of Management: John Parm Ulhøi
  • Department of Economics and Business Economics: Jonas Mikkelsen



How much space do I have on SIF?

SIF doesn't enforce quotas on space per say. If you need to store several terabytes of research data, we recommend that you contact the SIF systems administration via for help finding a suitable solution.

Are my SIF research data replicated and backed up?

All data on SIF are automatically replicated across several disks using RAID technology. This includes both research data uploadet by you, the user, data pertaining to you, the user, and data concerning SIF's system functionality. 

Furthermore, we nightly perform automatic backup of all SIF data to a remote location.

How is data secured on SIF?

SIF has obligatory 2-factor authentication of all access. Because we employ the TOTP industry standard (Time-based One-Time Password) for single use codes generated on your device, it would be all but impossible to gain unauthorised access to your research data, even even if your password had become compromised.

All SIF data is saved exclusively on AU's hardware in server rooms with physical access control. Data stored on SIF can only be accessed via hardened security protocols; research data uploadet by users and data pertaining to users is solely stored on disks in encrypted form, and all data access and storage use strong encryption. Moreover, SIF isolates research data on project basis, to prevent an accidental leak.

Finally, SIF is subject to strict operational regulations, which permit only very few administrators to achieve access to decrypted research data uploadet by the users and data pertaining to the users. This is only permissible after the explicit approval of their superior.

How do I transfer entire folders to/from SIF?

To upload entire folders to SIF, you can either use the effective file/folder-handling we describe under Effective data access, or you can access SIF as a network drive. By accessing SIF as a betwork drive, you can copy folders to and from SIF via your file handling programme.

The SIF web-interface only supports up- and download of single files.

Why are there characters I cannot use in file names?

There are a number of special characters SIF will reject in file names, e.g. "< > { | } * ? [ ]". They are known to cause trouble, either because they are control characters, with a potentially harmful effect on the storage systems, or because they disturb web-use -display. We continually evaluate the need to permit further special characters, if they do no harm either to the user interface or the underlying systems. You are welcome to contact us, if there is a character you would like approved.

I forgot my password, can I access it or change it?

Due to security considerations, we do not store passwords in our systems, only a one-way derived hash-value. Therefore, we cannot retrieve forgotten passwords.

We do, however, permit that you change your password. Since the SIF access portal is tied to the central user database, the system uses your normal AU username and password. Therefore, if you have forgotten your password or if it has expired, you should follow the normal procedure or contact AU IT support for help.

The other SIF services - for instance SFTP and WebDAVS – uses login details you yourself define, and that you can change on the SIF Setup page.

I'm getting an error message that my file is too big

If you're using WebDAVS and get an error message that your file is too big, this is due to a 50MB limit set by Microsoft for tranfers using this service. Consult the Guides for help solving this issue.


Safe file transfer


Other clients

Linux Files


Support, questions, and comments

If you have any suggestions for improvements or questions about SIF, we would very much like to hear from you.

This applies to support as well, if a SIF functionality doesn't work as described. To help you as effectively as possible, please include information about your operating system and browser in your query. If in doubt as to which operating system and browser you're using, you can check it by going to or Send us the line under “Your web browser is:”, or the line which begins “You're using”.

Screen shots are very useful here too, because they let us see exactly what you're seeing.

Contact us via email at

SIF Research Data

SIF can be used to store sensitive research data.

In other words, you can store your research data in SIF if any of the following apply to them:

  • They contain personal data
  • When you know for certain that your research results will be patented (IP-data)
  • They contain confidential information or IP-covered material from a third party
  • They are of strategic importance, e.g. because sharing can pose a threat (URIS-data)
  • They form part of research subject to export control
  • They must, for any other reason, be protected from unauthorised access

If these points do not apply to your research, we recommend that you store your research data in ERDA instead of SIF.


For help with 2-factor authentication and mouting, contact your local IT-support

Find your local IT support

For help with specific system errors, contact the SIF systems administration:

Terms of Use