Cleaning of Arts' facilities

The cleaning team cleans the indoor areas of Arts. The cleaning is carried out according to a cleaning standard that is common to all of Arts. Employees and students can also help keep the campus clean and tidy by, for example, leaving rooms in an orderly state and parking bicycles in the bicycle parking area instead of in the office

Cleaning standard

We aim to ensure a common standard of cleaning in all Arts buildings. Cleaning is prioritized based on daily circumstances and events in the buildings, special efforts due to weather, and current staffing on the day.


  • Wiping of free surfaces once a week
  • Floor washing once a week
  • You are responsible for emptying your own trash.

Corridors and Common Areas

  • Toilets, kitchens, classrooms, and meeting rooms are cleaned daily.
  • Kitchen floors are washed twice a week.
  • Corridor areas on the first floor are cleaned three times a week.
  • Corridor areas above the first floor: Wiping of free surfaces and floor washing once a week.

Hand sanitizer and cleaning wipes

Refilling of hand sanitizer stations will occur daily. If you need cleaning wipes or refills for hand sanitizer, please contact our cleaning staff.

Nobelparken and Kasernen: Jane Nielsen, tlf. 2899 2094, mail:
Tåsingegade and Trøjborgvej: Birgitte Mortensen, tlf. 9350 8139, mail:
Emdrup: Janni Bernard, tlf. 9350 8000, mail:
Moesgaard: Monica Holst, tlf. 2372 6504, mail:
Katrinebjerg: Berit Arnesen Basse, tlf. 2384 7433, mail:

Contact Cleaning staff

Nobelparken and Kasernen

Cleaning manager Jane Nielsen


Cleaning manager Susie Petersson
Assistant Inspector Janni Bernard


For information about cleaning at Moesgård (tlf.: 8716 2529).


For information about cleaning at Katrinebjerg (tlf.: 8715 0539) plase contact the local Maintaince. 


The cleaning at Trøjborgvej is handled by Kongsvang. Inquiries can be sent to

Help us keep campus clean

Before you leave the room, please ensure that:

  • Chairs are put up
  • Furniture is returned to its standard arrangement
  • Any extra chairs/tables are returned to their original place
  • The board is cleaned
  • Canteen service items and pitchers are prepared for collection (see section below)
  • Trash is thrown in the bin.

Pitchers and service items from the canteen

If you have ordered catering for a class, meeting, workshop, or similar, you must ensure that coffee pitchers, service items, bowls, napkins, and similar are gathered and placed back in the canteen's boxes as they were delivered. The boxes should be placed outside the room. They will then be collected by the canteen staff. 

Dogs in the buildings

Dogs are welcome in the buildings if there is a special and documented need or a specific agreement.

It is not possible to bring dogs that are not guide or service dogs. This is due to consideration for employees and students who may feel uneasy about the presence of dogs due to allergies, fear of dogs, or similar reasons. Additionally, there is increased wear on the premises and the task of maintaining the cleanliness of Arts' areas within the agreed cleaning standards. 

Bicycles and electric scooters

You are not allowed to bring your bicycle or electric scooter into the buildings to maintain the cleanliness of Arts' areas.

Get an overview of bicycle parking here:
Find parking for bicycles and pumping stations