Study start at Arts

Head tutors have many tasks to juggle - the start of the academic year doesn't plan itself. Here is a comprehensive overview of what you, as a head tutor, need to be aware of when it comes to booking rooms for the Welcome Week. 

Booking rooms

During the Welcome Week, the orientation coordinators have control over all classrooms, study areas, cafeterias, and other common areas at Arts. The orientation coordinators prepare a comprehensive room plan for activities at Arts during the Welcome Week. The room plan is sent to the head tutors and to Arts Building Services.

Agreement for borrowing rooms

For social events of a festive nature during Welcome Week, a room loan agreement must be completed. The room loan agreement is filled out online, and you can access it via this link: agreement for borrowing rooms. 


At this link, you will find a checklist that tutors can use for cleaning and tidying up rooms after activities.

Outdoor areas

 If you wish to use the outdoor areas at Arts, this must be included in the room loan agreement. If you want to hold larger activities in the University Park, you must reserve it via email to

Cooperation with Arts Buildings services

Arts Buildings Services provides practical assistance to ensure a successful Welcome Week. The checklist below can be used for inspiration in the planning work. In August, Arts Building Services and the orientation coordinators also hold information meetings.

Practical issues before the Welcome Week

  • Complete the room loan agreement and make sure to apply for a temporary permit if required. The temporary permit must be sent to 
  • Ensure access conditions – a list of head tutors is sent to the operations office.
  • Instructions on fire extinguishing and escape routes.
  • Information on parking conditions and smoking.
  • Identify any need for and location of storage.
  • Agree on the location for beer deliveries.
  • Discuss cleaning arrangements.
  • Information regarding furniture and standard setup.

Practical issues during the Welcome Week

  • Reporting obligation to Arts Building Services via email to  in case of any deviations from the norm - for example, personal accidents/injuries, calling an ambulance, damage to buildings or facilities, visits from authorities, or calling authorities.
  • After 2:30 PM (Friday at 2:00 PM), Securitas can be contacted if needed at 70 26 36 50.
  • The room loan agreement and temporary permit must be available for presentation during the event/party.

Practical issues after the Welcome Week

  • Cleaning and tidying up in and around the room – toilets, common areas, stair landings
  • Tidying up outdoor areas
  • Ensuring doors and windows are closed
  • Returning furniture to its standard arrangement
  • Submitting lost items
  • Handling returnable packaging
  • Checklist for cleaning and tidying up rooms

Considerate outdoor behavoir

  • Be considerate of others – including new students, tutors, other guests, and wildlife.
  • Find an area where you do not disturb others. There are plenty of green spaces – spread out and use areas where others are not already present.
  • Do not use private areas for either staying or passing through.
  • Be mindful of noise levels – both for the sake of other guests and especially those who work and live in the surrounding buildings.
  • Turn down the volume if you are asked to do so.
  • Clean up after yourselves. ALL trash must be collected and disposed of properly. If the nearest trash can is full, take your trash to the next one.