Contact person for the management

Instructions for the contact person for the management


The contact person for the management takes a call from the emergency duty officer (cf. the telephone chain) in the event of an acute threat to life and property, such as fire, threats made against AU or in case of a major accident. The task of the contact person for the management is to take the call from the emergency duty officer and ensure that the emergency response procedure is initiated for management.

As contact person, it is your responsibility to establish contact to a number of members of the management and to pass on the information which you have received from the emergency duty officer.

Usually, you will have another role in the emergency response procedure (for example as university director, part of the emergency management team or the emergency response group or assisting the university director). You only have the role of contact person when you take the call from the emergency duty officer.


Listen carefully to the information provided by the emergency duty officer – ask questions and take notes:

  • What?
  • Where?
  • Address?
  • Who reported the incident?
  • How can the person who reported the incident be contacted and where is she/he?
  • Has anyone called 112?

Start the telephone chain

Establish contact with and describe the incident to the next person in the chain.

Start the conversation by stating your name and that an emergency has been reported, and that you are the contact person for the management.

When all key persons have been contacted, the task of the contact person for the management is complete.

lepersoner er kontaktet, er opgaven som kontaktperson for ledelsen afsluttet.


How to start the telephone chain

1. University director

The university director is always the leader of the emergency response effort. If the university director cannot be contacted, you must call another member of the senior management team.

2. Rector, pro-rector and deans

The rector, pro-rector and deans must be informed about the incident and take part in the emergency management if the university director is absent.

3. Relevant deputy directors and other managers

Contact the deputy directors and the administrative centre managers whom you expect may be affected by the emergency. It will usually be relevant to contact the deputy director for AU Student Administration and Services. Subsequently, it is the university director’s responsibility to contact the deputy directors and members of staff who are relevant in order to maintain operations. 

4. Inform the head of staff of the Rector’s Office

The head of staff must be informed about the situation and that the unit’s employees must be informed that they may be asked to take part in the emergency management effort.