ERDA Setup

ERDA Setup is your direct way to a range of more socialised functions you can use to adjust the system to your work flow.

Open Setup from the same menu as Settings, via the person icon at the bottom left.

2 Factor Authorisation

There are more and more automated online attacks, where hackers try to guess passwords, as well as phising, where they try to lure information out of people. Therefore, we recommend adding security to your logins.

All ERDA services offer 2-Factor Authentication (2FA), which is exactly that kind of extra security. 2FA adds a step to login, so you need something you know (name and password) as well as something you have. On ERDA, this is a single-use six-digit key; a token. ERDA uses the TOTP-standard for tokens, and you have to install an app to generate them on your mobile or tablet.


1. Først skal du klikke på personikonet i nederste venstre hjørne af ERDA.

Step 1 image

2. Klik på Setup

Step 2 image

3. Vælg 2-Factor Auth og klik Okay, let's go!

Step 3 image

4. Download Google Authenticator, FreeOTP, NetIQ Advanced, Authentication eller Authy fra din Appstore.

Klik på I've got it installed!

Step 4 image

5. Hvis din mobil har et kamera er det nemmeste at scanne en QR kode her.

Klik på QR code

Step 5 image

6. Åbn din app og ret mobilens kamera op på QR-koden (appen skal måske have lov til at bruge kameraet), så scanner den selv koden.

Klik Done importing.

Step 6 image

7. Skriv det 6-cifrede token din app viser og klik på Verify

Step 7 image

8. Klik på skydeknappen under ’Enable 2-FA’ for OpenID web login’, så den skifter fra grå til blå.

Step 8 image

9. Du kan tilføje ekstra sikkerhed til din ERDA-konto ved at bruge f.eks. WebDAVS, SFTP, og FTPS. Hvis du er tvivl om du skal bruge de protokoller anbefaler vi at du tænder alle skydeknapperne, så de bliver blå.

Step 9 image

10. Klik til sidst på Save 2-Factor Auth Settings

Step 10 image

Here's an interactive tutorial

** Best experienced in Full Screen (click the icon in the top right corner before you begin) **


When you are done working in ERDA, we recommend logging out. 

Click Sign Out at the bottom of the user menu and Yes to log out. It is especially important to log out if you share a computer with others.


To get help with 2-factor authentication and mouting, contact your local IT-support

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