Effective access to ERDA: mounting

To make working with advanced data access easier, we have made a tool that sets up the connection for you. Download the guide here: link.

By setting up mounted access to ERDA, you can achieve more effective, transparent, and integrated access to your files than via the web interface.

Mounted access makes it possible to transfer many and large files effectively, and tie your ERDA files and folders to your machine. In this way, you can work on your ERDA files without using the web interface.

Mounting uses a safe connection to ERDA. The access is therefore available anywhere you are, so long as you are conected to the internet. In other words, it is not necessary to use VPN for mounted access outside AU.

ERDA guides you through mounting setup too. Log in to the online portal and click Setup.

Mounted access via SFTP

SFTP is a secure and effective protocol for file-transfers. SFTP is built upon the security-infrastructure of the OpenSSH software and it is supported by a wide range of clients on the most popular platforms, i.e. Windows, Linux, and IOS. Some platforms even integrate the function into their file management, meaning that you won't need to download further programmes.

SFTP setup in ERDA

To set up mounted access via SFTP you must first open the SFTP banner in ERDA Setup. Secondly, configure how you want to identify yourself to the ERDA server.

Either copy and paste oen or several SSH public keys or type in a password of your own choosing.

Finally, click Save SFTP Settings. Please note that your login information – including your user name – will be shown on the SFTP site.

SFTP with Windows

If you use Windows, download og install WinFsp og SSHFS-Win.

Open Files and click Add Network Drive

Enter \\sshfs\[dit brugernavn]@[dit projektnavn]@io.erda.au.dk!2222 under Folder. You can copy both username and project name from the top of the ERDA setup page. 

Click Finish.

Enter username and your chosen password when the system prompts you to log in.

SFTP with MacOS

If you use Mac, download and install the macFUSE og SSHFS Stable Release packages.

Save your login details to your local ~/.ssh/config, to avoid having to enter them again:

Host io.erda.au.dk erda
Hostname io.erda.au.dk
VerifyHostKeyDNS ask
User [username]@[project name]
Port 2222
# Uncomment next line to use your private key in ~/.ssh/id_rsa
# IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa

You can now mount with the SSHFS commando for effective access to your files.

SFTP with Linux

If you use Linux, SFTP is possibly integrated into your file mangement system. In this case, click ctrl+L in the file manager, copy-paste sftp://io.sif.au.dk:2222 into the field and enter your username and chosen password when prompted by the systemet.

If you use Linux and SFTP is not integrated, download and install SSHFS, including FUSE and OpenSSH via your preferred software/pack manager or downloads online.

Save your login-details to your local ~/.ssh/config, to avoid entering them again:

Host io.erda.au.dk erda
Hostname io.erda.au.dk
VerifyHostKeyDNS ask
User [username]@[project name]
Port 2222
# Uncomment next line to use your private key in ~/.ssh/id_rsa
# IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa

You can now mount ERDA with the SSHFS command for effective access to your ERDA files.

Alternative clients

Aside from the above mentioned clients, ERDA supports the following for mounted access:

  • WinSCP. WinSCP is an FTP/FTPS/SFTP client for Windows. It exists in a portable version and also has a semi-automatic sync-function that makes it easier to syncronise files between your machine and ERDA. For more information, see the project webpage
  • PuTTY SFTP. PuTTY is an SSH client developed for Windows, but available for other platforms as well now. It has a command-line SFPT client, which works with ERDA. PLEASE NOTE: for security reasons, use a recent version (version 0.67 or newer) to connect to our SFTP-service. For more information, see the project webpage.

NB According to the AU information security policy, you yourself are responsible for updating external software you install to an AU PC. If not regularly updated, the software will constitute a security risk for the entire university.

Mounted access via SSHFS

Via SSHFS, you can bind external folders locally and use their contents as if it were placed on your machine. In the below, our coordinator for NAT, Jesper Lykkegaard Karlsen, shows how to set up the connection on Windows og MacOS respectively.

Windows mount with WSL (v2) and SSHFS​

In this powerpoint, our coordinator for Nat, Jesper Lykkegaard Karlsen, shows how to mount ERDA as a windows drive with WSL (v2) and SSHFS​.

Click here to download the powerpoint

MacOS mount with SSHFS

In this powerpoint, our coordinator at Nat, Jesper Lykkegaard Karlsen, shows how you can mount ERDA on MacOS with SSHFS. 

Click here to download the powerpoint

Mounted access via WebDAVS

WebDAV is a protocol for accessing external storage, that can be secured with TLS/SSL like a website. We refer to the secured version as WebDAVS. Newer versions of Microsoft Windows, MacOS, and Linux integrate WebDAVS directly, meaning you won't have to install further programmes.

Unfortunately, Microsoft has introduced a c. 50MB limit for WebDAVS transfers. This means that you will get an error message if you attempt to transfer larger files. 

Because of this limit, we recommend using SFT instead of WebDAVS, if you need to work with larger datasets.

WebDAVS setup in ERDA

Open WebDAVS under ERDA Setup and configure how you want to identify yourself on our server. Choose a password for login and click Save WebDAVS Settings.

NB: your login details – including your automatic username – will be displayed in the same place.

WebDAVS with Windows

Open Files and click Map network drive or Add a network location at the top of the window. 

Please note that Windows 7 only shows the second possibility if you click Connect to a Web site... 

NB: Windows 7 was the first version that offered real WebDAVS-support. Older versions, such as Windows Vista may work. Alternatively, find the function through external WebDAVS help programmes.

WebDAVS with MacOS

Open Finder, click Go and choose Connect to Server.

From the SIF Setup page, copy the Server URL, paste into the pop up window and click Connect.

Log in with your username and password. Your username will generally be a combination of your registered email and the name of your SIF project.

If login is succesful, you will find your SIF folder under Files.

WebDAVS with Linux

Open Files (Nautilus, Konqueror, Dolphin, Thunar etc.). Click Go and choose Open Location.

From the SIF Setup page, copy the Server URL, paste into the pop up window and click Connect. Replace https with davs in the URL if it fails.

Login with your chosen username and password from SIF. Your username will generally be a combination of your email and the name of your SIF project.

If login is succesful, you will se the remote folder contents in your system. 

NB: Nautilus/Thunar uses GNOME's gvfs-library, which had a known error in older versions. The error caused uploads on over 1GB to hang. If you experience this problem, try upgrading to a corrected version of gvfs (e.g. 1.22.2) or use another client.

WebDAVS/SFTP access to Share Links

To share links og exchange files outside ERDA, combine Share Links with read- and write-access with effective access and tie share links to your machine as a network drive.

To share both your own folders and group folders as a form of shared drive, share it through share links.

To set up effective access to share links, proceed as in the above, with this one difference: the 10-digit share link ID (e.g. gBf51LXf4T) is used as both username and password.

In all cases, carefully consider which files you give access to, and which people you give access to the files.


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